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The 3 Keys To Sell A Home in 2023 That You Need To Know

Deciding to sell your home is a big decision. You have likely been there for several years and built some cherished memories. Whatever your reason or motivation to sell your home is, you want to ensure that your home sale goes as smoothly as possible. Not only can you save yourself much frustration, but you can sell your home quickly and pocket more money from the sale. There are many moving parts in a home sale, but the following keys will help the deal go as smoothly as possible.

1. Decide if you are going to sell first and then buy or vice versa

If you are not planning on buying another home but renting instead, this will not apply. If you intend to buy another house, this is an important consideration. Also, knowing how much equity you have in your home is important, as you may need this for a down payment. It is best to consult with a professional and ascertain what type of market you are currently in – Buyers’, sellers’, or an in-between market. A professional will have more information about the real estate market and available inventory.

2. Decide on a selling price after doing extensive research

Choosing how to price your home could make or break the sale. You want to price your home to make as much money as possible without compromising the sale. Depending on how quickly you want to sell your home will also factor into your decision. If you need to sell it quickly, you may need to be more negotiable on the price. It is worth checking what other homes in your area are selling for, inspecting the condition of your home closely, and consulting with a professional for their advice before settling on a price.

3. Market your property and get your home show ready

Once you have decided if you will sell your home before buying another home and settling on a price, you need to present your property to potential buyers. Before doing this, ensure your home is in good condition and that any repairs and maintenance have been carried out. You then need to take professional photos, and / or videos and list your property for sale. The more appealing your property looks both online and in person, the better your odds of selling your property at your desired sell price, and without delay.

SnapHouss – Specialized real estate marketing

SnapHouss specializes in real estate photography, videography, 3D virtual scans and more. We will take your property listing and elevate it to another level with our professional services. Our packages start from $99, and we operate in Canada and the US. If you are looking to sell your property, reach out to us today!